Gruber Ferd takes over where Creedmoor left off - blowing every machloikes out of proportion and turning it on its ugly head to show how ridiculous and laughable machloikes is. While Creedmoor was mostly a parody of excesses in "piety" as well as overemphasis on gashmius, this new blog from the editor of Der Shygetz magazine, Di Cholere women's supplement, Der Griber Ying magazine for budding Otisvillers, Der Oisvorf for making sure our confused youth stay that way, and, of course, the Creedmoor Chronicles, will concentrate on current events connected to machloikes.
No community will be immune, but no community will be named specifically either, and only individuals who are clearly "mechutz lamachane" will merit to have their names mentioned here. Information will be based on the contents of news and "opinion" blogs in or related to the frum community, but no actual events or issues will be covered and if a blog is referred to it will be referred to with a twisted version of its title.
I will probably update this every Friday or Sunday with a series of short posts, although the first two weeks or so will be erratic as I fill the blog with starter posts. You are encouraged to post comments, but be forewarned - whereas other blogs are accused of using shill accounts to post comments, we shill with pride! You'll never really know if you're arguing or agreeing with a fellow poster or another personality from the old Creedmoorer stables!
So, welcome to Der Gruber Ferd (yes, I know it should be griber but remember, we spare no one here, Ingarisch or otherwise.)
We are proudly sponsored by:
Feivel's Food Shtemp Household and Electronics Center, corner of 13th Avenue and Ditmas Road somewhere between Schnorro Park and Kensingon - featuring the new iPhone 6, straight fin di shiffel fin China, far nor 699 Obama Chessed Dollars, I mean food-shtempelach!
Shvache Meat and Meat By-Products, Route 59, Ir haKoidesh Monsey, near where they will never build the new Walmart, on the road to Circular Square, where you can get real, fresh gruber ferd and even shmutziger chozzer meat for your cholent at prices that can't be beat. We sell no kosher products whatsoever, but we have a fine selection of labels printed with hechsherim for every taste, budget and level of observance. Our specialty is chozzer fisselach!
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